Peachey Place, Sandholme Landing, Newport, BROUGH, East Yorkshire HU15 2RU
Graham Bate ~ bategraham@gmail.com ~ 07976 645 787
Richard Bate ~ rfbate@gmail.com ~ 07929 168 645

Land drainage is a vital component of site management. Mostly land drainage benefits farmers who want to prevent saturated soils drowning crop roots, although other applications are for residential developments, estates, community centres, industry and business. Flood Risk Assessments are an integral component of our methodology.
A & F designed channels and structures are planned to manage typical drainage requirements as well as extreme flash flooding events. Solutions are environmentally sensitive, enabling all interests to work sustainably together.
Expertise areas are:
Services Provision for Internal Drainage Boards
Farms, Residential Developments and Estates
Local Authority and Highway Projects
Private Drainage, Industrial and Business Concerns
Expert Witness
Securing Government Funding and Support